About Me

Kim Dietrich I write for entrepreneurs in the health & wellness, hospitality and tech industries. I have a knack for pulling at conversational threads to form stories that resonate, getting your ideas down on the page in easily understandable, well-written content. The bottom line? I can help you craft compelling content to better reach your ideal clients.

My professional writing career began early; by the time I received my Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Waterloo, I’d been published in a Statistics Canada trade journal (compelling stuff!) and had taken a turn as a technical writer producing ‘task-oriented software documentation’. (The seriousness of that content may have been responsible for propelling me headlong into the restaurant industry.)

Working in some of Canada’s finest restaurants, I soon developed an encyclopedic knowledge of food and drink. Marrying this expertise with my passion for the page, I began freelancing for various food and lifestyle magazines. When I wasn’t running restaurants, I was writing about them. Following a brief sojourn on the East coast where I opened a restaurant in my living room, I soon returned to Ontario to raise a family.

Along the way I led fiscal & business operations for several corporate restaurants, managed and mentored teams and worked for years in hospitality recruiting. With hospitality decimated by Covid, I pivoted out of the industry, launching my own business as a freelance content marketing writer.

We connect with others through our words; that is where I excel.

Let’s talk about how I can help with your content!

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